RLVNT Native

Our Native Marketplace is also used by a diverse palette of advertisers, where the focus of the campaign is always on achieving relevant clicks with a clear and transparent cost structure. Clients from the nonprofit, print and gaming sectors, among others, choose native display ads to achieve this goal, with a focus on a fixed Cost per Click (CPC).


Advertisers face the challenge of generating quality traffic in a competitive market without compromising on click quality. Traditional advertising channels are often insufficient to achieve the desired results.


Choosing RLVNT proved to be the right strategy for our clients. With the CPC model, advertisers paid only for actual clicks, making costs transparent and manageable. Through strategic deals and advanced technology, RLVNT was able to optimise campaign performance and lower CPCs. Moreover, ads were only displayed in secure and quality publisher environments, ensuring brand safety. The clear cost structure, with no additional technology or verification fees, enabled advertisers to free up more budget to buy clicks. A real-time dashboard supported the campaign, allowing our clients to monitor and adjust performance.


The native display campaign through RLVNT delivered excellent results. Thanks to effective brand safety, ad fraud protection and lower CPCs, the campaign proved not only successful, but also cost-efficient.


The combination of a transparent cost structure, targeted strategies and a reliable and quality publisher network helped advertisers achieve their goals in a pragmatic manner. Working with RLVNT has proven to be an effective way to generate quality traffic through native advertising and improve overall campaign performance.

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